► Judge Steven Fuller of Florence, AZ; alleged criminal pervert Print E-mail
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Judge Steven Fuller of Florence, AZ; alleged criminal pervert


The state of Arizona presented Steven Fuller with a law license in 1993 after she graduated from the University of Oklahoma Law School.


The Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct is investigating the following allegations of misconduct engaged in by Stevie.

  • Being criminally investigated for sexually abusing a girl from when she was 13 until she reached adulthood
  • Abused girl accused Stevie of touching her genitals and buttocks
  • Abused girl said Stevie showed her pornography

All that remains now is to see how long it takes before Stevie cops a plea to reduce the length of his prison sentence. Additionally, it remains to be seen what if any punishment is meted out to Stevie by the cheerleaders for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Conduct Commission.


As we speak (ca. May 2018), Stevie continues to sit as a Pinal County judge in Florence, Arizona.


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