► Attorney Richard Ryan of Roseville; pervert, Il Duce Wannabee |
Attorney Richard Ryan of Roseville; pervert, Il Duce Wannabee
From 1983 through 1988, attorney Richard Ryan was a Municipal Court Judge sitting in the Roseville and Rocklin courts in Place County, California (Sacramento area).
In 1988, Judge Richard Ryan was charged with an found guilty of engaging in various misconduct while on the bench, some of which is as follows:
Telling dirty jokes to female attorneys in the courthouse such as:
Judge Richard Ryan’s excessive absenteeism
Dick consistently left the courthouse after his calendar was completed, usually in the early afternoon (2:00 pm). On Fridays, he often left in the morning and never returned. However, because he was held to a “lower standard of conduct” then lower-level government employees,
Judicial extortion (aka, El Duce Wannabee)
FYI: Il Duce is none other than ex-Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, a close friend and ally of Adolph Hitler.
In a DUI case, Dick offered the defendant a “no time” disposition, which the defendant rejected and asked for a jury trial. Dick then told the Deputy DA Jess Bedore that he was going to teach the defendant’s attorney a lesson for seeking a jury trial by sentencing his client to 30 days in jail if he was convicted. When the DA expressed reservations, Dick said the sentence would be for refusing his standard plea bargain. Dick added that he would justify the long sentence by stating that the defendant committed perjury during the trial.
After the jury convicted the defendant, Dick sentenced him to 30 days in jail, a sentence that the Commission found extremely severe. The next day Dick commented to the press (front page story) that his sentence was intended to discourage costly and time-consuming jury trials and that “there had to be some incentive not to go to trial.”
Judge Roy Bean Wannabe
Judge Richard Ryan repeatedly acted as judge, jury, prosecutor and/or defense counsel while holding court proceedings that were apparently held pursuant to the Australian Rules of Court.
Dick would consistently interrogate defendants when their attorneys were not present and attempt to coerce them into entering pleas that he felt was appropriate.
Attorney Richard Ryan’s current status
Dick presently practices law in Roseville, California (Sacramento area) and advertises as a family law practitioner. My advice would be to steer clear of Dick.