► Fox’s Brian Kilmeade: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Fox’s Brian Kilmeade: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Brian. In the past, he has been the recipient of five (5) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


During a recent (late January 2018) episode of the Fox & Friends Comedy Hour, hosted by the Fox News Comedy Network, Brian decided to once again prove his allegiance to Donald “Trumporleone” Trump.  


Towards that end and after donning a pair ofTrumpian Brand ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Brian told his intellectually inept followers:

  • “Believe it or not, through all this negative coverage, they did a survey of 600,000 people about how black America views this president.”
  • “His numbers have actually doubled.”

Polling by SurveyMonkey shows that The Great Leader’s approval rating among African-Americans has decreased. In February 2017, The Great Leaders’ approval among Blacks was 20%, but in December 2017 it was at 15%.


Luckily for me I still have my trusty abacus that I’ve had since I went to grade school. Its use proved that 15 is less than 20, which is the same conclusion I came to when I used my fingers and toes to do the calculation.


So here we have a trusted Trump Ass-Kisser and Ally that is intellectually incapable of determining that a 15% favorability rating is actually less than a 20% favorability rating.


Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 1

Bullshit Award Winner = 1

Chicken Little Award Winner = 1

Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade: Today’s “Moronic Comic” award winner: Art. 77 Moron Awards

If God unlocks the door, Sarah Palin’s ready to run again: Art. No. 35 Tina Fey Awards 


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