► Fox’s Lou Dobbs: Today’s “Donald Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Fox’s Lou Dobbs: Today’s “Donald Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Louie. In the past, he has been the recipient of three (3) Awards in various categories and/or the subject of one (1) opinion piece. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


During a recent episode of the Lou Dobbs Tonight Comedy Show airing on the Fox News Comedy Network, Louie decided to further prove that he is a Donald “Trumporleone” Trump Supreme Ass-Kisser. In this instance, Louie decided to attack Obama while planting a big one on The Great Leaders substantial ass.


While speaking to his low I.Q. followers, Louie said:

  • “I think U.S. Marshals should follow him [Obama], and any times he wants to go follow the president like he is, and behave -- I mean, this is just bad manners, it's boorish, it's absurd.”
  • “He doesn't realize how foolish he looks.”
  • “I mean, he should be brought back by the Marshals.”
  • “Isn't there some law that says presidents shouldn't be attacking sitting presidents?”

Yeah Louie there’s a law that sez you can’t attack sitting presidents unless they happen to be an African American like Obama.


Hey Louie, I don’t remember you clamoring for The Great Leader to shut his trap when he falsely accused Obama of being born in Kenya. I guess that was like really cool to you because you weren’t happy with a Black feller sitting in the White House, right Louie Baby?


And lastly Louie, would you support a law that would have a minimum sentence of 10-years in a federal prison for anyone who criticized The Great Leader even if it was a political opponent or a journalist?


Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 3

Bigot Award Winner = 1

Fox News’ Lou Dobbs sez media is aiding in coup against Trump: Art. 117 Bullshit Awards

Liberals trying to kill America sez Fox’s Lou Dobbs: Art. 93 Lunatic Awards 


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