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Fox’s Lou Dobbs: Today’s “Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


During a recent (late October 2017) interview of Donald “Trumporleone” Trump and after donning a pair of Trumpian Brand ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Louie told his low I.Q. audience that The Don is “changing the country for the better” and described him as “loved and respected.”


Louie and The Don then engaged in the following back and forth love fest.



  • “You are, if I may say, everything as advertised as you ran for president.”
  • “And appreciate everything you’re doing. Thanks so much.”


  • Tells Louie he watches his show “absolutely almost all the time, even if it means TiVo or whatever device you happen to be using at the time.”

After this mutual Ass-Kissing routine, Louie tossed the usual Fox News Comedy Network Softball questions to the questions to The Don. The loving dialogue continued as follows:



  • “So, the one thing that I really thought ― because I thought I was treated very unfairly by the press during the campaign.”


  • “Without question.”


  • “And when I won, I said, ‘The good news is, now they’ll start treating me well.’”
  • ” But they got much worse.”


  • “Right.”


  • “Lou, they put on stories and CNN, and on NBC, and CBS, and ABC, and NBC being an offshoot also with the MSNBC, which is ridiculous.”
  • “They put on stories that are so false.”
  • “They have so-called sources that, in my opinion, don’t exist.”
  • “They’re sitting down, they just make it up.”
  • “It is so dishonest. It is so fake.”
  • “What could be more fake than CBS, and NBC, and ABC, and CNN when you look at some of these stories?”
  • “Right.”

After this perverted back and forth, The Don decided to tell a few lies about Fox with the dialogue going like this.



  • “If you look at it from the day I started running to now, I’m so proud that I have been able to convince people how fake it is ― because it has taken a nosedive.”


  • “Yes.”


  • “Except for your show, of course and Sean, and a few of them, Right?


  • “Yes. Right.”


Any halfwit would recognize that the Fox News Comedy Network isn’t in the business of reporting truthful news. In fact, it is nothing more than a Propaganda Machine for The Don. Put simply, Fox should change its mantra from “Fair and Balanced News” to “Unfair News reported by Unbalanced Reporters.”


And lastly, I trust that The Don and/or a Don Toady reimbursed Louie for the costs he incurred in purchasing an Industrial Strength Tube of Chapstick prior to his Ass-Kissing routine.


For additional stories about Louie visit the articles categorized below


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