► Criticizing Trump disrespects military sez Steve Bannon Print E-mail

Criticizing Trump disrespects military sez Steve Bannon


As we all know, Steve Bannon was previously a top advisor to Donald “Trumporleone” Trump and the editor and chief of Brietbart Comedy News.


After his departure from the White House, Stevie continues to promote the idiotic views of his Beau The Don. After donning (pun intended) a pair of Trumpian Brand ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Stevie said:


While speaking before the right wing, homophobic, racist group gathering “Voters Values Summit,” Stevie decided to attack Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee for criticizing The Don as basically a loser lunatic. Towards that end, Stevie told the intellectually infirm members of the audience that Corker’s criticism was unwarranted because:


“We have young men and women in harm’s way and kids in the field.”


So here we have another loudmouth loser coming to the defense of a Chicken Little Scaredy cat that obtained five (5) deferments so that he wouldn’t have serve his country during the Vietnam War. The same is true of The Don’s family members and son-in-law, none of whom served their country as shown below.

  • Friedrich Trump – kicked out of German for failing to do his mandatory military service
  • Fred Trump – DOB 1905 – age eligible to serve in World War II
  • Donald Trump Jr. – DOB 1977 – age eligible to serve in Iraq/Afghanistan Wars
  • Eric Trump – DOB 1984 – age eligible to serve in Iraq/Afghanistan Wars
  • Jared Kushner – DOB 1981 – age eligible to serve in Iraq/Afghanistan Wars

So, what we have here is a family of draft dodgers and assorted misfits that never served placed themselves “in harm’s way” in order to serve their country.


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