► Fox’s Gregg Jarrett: Today’s “Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Gox's Gregg Jarrett: Today’s “Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Fox's Gregg Jarrett

Today’s “Ass-Kisser” Award Winner




This isn’t the first Award presented to Gregg. In the past, he has been the recipient of one (1) Award in the Ass-Kisser category, which viewed by going to the Ass-Kisser Awards.


Gregg is another in a long list of loser attorneys that decided to go into politics after learning how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law after he graduated in 180 from the University of California Hastings Law School. Therefore, he decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), political punditry.


During a recent (early July 2017) segment of the Sean Hannity Radio Comedy Show, and after donning a pair of Trumpian ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Gregg made the following asinine comments regarding the ongoing Russiagate investigation.

  • “If I were the president and Robert Mueller starts digging around into my finances, I’d go down to the nearest federal judge and get an injunction because the special counsel doesn’t have unlimited latitude to look into somebody’s finances.”
  • “The law says there has to be just cause and a reasonable basis.”
  • “And I can easily envision those federal judges saying, “Wait a minute. You’re not allowed to engage in a fishing expedition into somebody’s finances. Show me the probable cause" and so far there is none.”

After swabbing his lips with an Industrial size tube of ChapStick, Gregg concluded his hyperbolic (BS) rant by telling Sean’s low I.Q. followers:

  • “The whole Mueller/Comey investigation, and it can be called that because they may be acting in collusion to get the president.”
  • “The whole thing stinks like Limburger cheese.”
  • “I’ve never seen so many conflicts of interest all rolled into one investigation.”
  • “Mueller has a disqualifying conflict of interest and under the special counsel statute, he is required to recuse himself because of his close relationship with Comey.”
  • “The statute literally says that. And he hasn’t done it, which raises a serious conflict of interest question.”

The above statements of Gregg is proof positive why no reputable law firm ever offered him a good paying job. He has again proven that he’s a Congenital Liar, Moron, Reliable Trump Toady and Ass-Kisser and a Total Dumbo when it comes to being able to actually speak to truth about the applicable Justice Department Rules regarding recusals.”


Further evidence of Gregg’s Gross Stupidity is his reference to the “special counsel statute” on conflicts of interest. This statue was passed by Congress in 1978 in response to the Watergate scandal; however, Congress allowed the statute to expire in 1999. Put simply, Gregg doesn’t “know his ass from a whole in the ground” when it comes to the law.

  • Fox News’ Gregg Jarrett sez colluding with Russians is legal: Art. 24 Ass-Kisser Awards

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