► Judge Gregg Iddings of Adrian, MI; pervert, adulterer Print E-mail
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Judge Gregg Iddings of Adrian, MI; pervert, adulterer


The state of Michigan presented Gregg P. Iddings with a law license in 1993 after he graduated from the University of Toledo Law School.


In 2009, Former Gov. Jennifer Granholm was duped into appointing Gregg as a Lenawee County Probate Court judge. Gregg didn’t receive the appointment because he was the most qualified attorney in the greater Adrian area. He received it because he had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


The Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission found Gregg guilty of engaging in the following sexual misconduct as it relates to his secretary for a period of at least five years, all of which took place while he was married to Adrienne Iddings.

  • Stared down front of her blouse
  • Sat and laid on her desk while she was sitting at her desk
  • Wrote letter of recommendation for her in which he included “besides, she is sexy as hell”
  • Placed remind on computerized court calendar to “seduce” her and subsequently ordered her to review calendar to ensure she saw the sexist comment
  • Told her she was “too sexy” in her outfits
  • Offered to take her to exotic locations for court-related conferences where they could share a hotel room together at taxpayer expense even though he was married
  • Sent her text messages after work hours
  • Discussed his marital problems with her
  • Offered to take her to Rhianna, Eminem and other costly concerts
  • Offered to buy her expensive items as Christmas gifts
  • Showed her sexually suggestive YouTube video of expensive lingerie website, Agent Provocateur
  • Invited her to have a sexual affair with him
  • Told her she “owed him” because he let her leave work early to take care of her son’s after-school activities

In a disturbing effort to sweep Gregg the Perv’s conduct under the table, the County agreed to pay his victim $100,000 to not file a lawsuit for the obvious purpose of concealing his conduct from public view.


As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the Patron Saints for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Michigan Supreme Court punished Carl by gifting him with a complimentary 180-day suspension of his law license.


As we speak (ca. June 2017), Gregg the Perv will be ascending back to the bench as a Lenawee County Probate Court Judge in Adrian, Michigan.


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