► Judge Melissa Goodwin of Austin, TX; scofflaw, moron, lifetime porker Print E-mail
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Judge Melissa Goodwin of Austin, TX; scofflaw, moron, lifetime porker


The Texas Supreme Court presented Melissa Goodwin with a law license in 1993 after her graduation from the University of Texas in Austin.
Over the past 17-years, Judge Goodwin has had her significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough.
During her run for a seat on the 3rd District Court of Appeals that primarily sits in Austin, Melissa was charged with misconduct by the Texas Ethics Commission for violating campaign election rules.
Melissa unlawfully accepted a $25,000 campaign loan from her father-in-law and mother-in-law.
Judge Goodwin admits she’s a Moron
The attorney representing Melissa the Moron before the Judicial Commission stated that she [Melissa] “mistakenly thought that her husband and his parents were included within the immediately family exception provided by the law.”
Here we have a Judicial Moron defending her misconduct by stating she was “ignorant of the law” by claiming she thought in-laws were lawfully defined as “immediate family members.” Melissa’s comment doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test, right?
If she’s too damn stupid to understand this simple definition, then she has absolutely no right to be sitting on any court and especially a Court of Appeals. It’s a joke right, except the joke’s on y’all living in the greater Austin area.
As a consequence of her law breaking, on May 27, 2011, enablers on the Texas Ethics Commission punished Melissa the Moron by imposing a fine of $2,050 on her.
Because Texas allows losers like Melissa to pay their fines with campaign funds, her misconduct ain’t gonna cost her one stinking dime. If Melissa was operating out of Louisiana, the citadel of Southern Ethics, using campaign funds to pay ethics fines isn’t allowed.

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