► Rev. Jim Bakker: Today’s “Jimmy Swaggart” Award Winner Print E-mail

Rev. Jim Bakker: Today’s “Jimmy Swaggart” Award Winner 

Congratulations to….
Rev. Jim Bakker
Today’s Jimmy Swaggart” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Jimmy. In the past, he has been the recipient of nine (9) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


It should be noted that Jimmy is the former operator along with his deceased wife Tammy of the “Praise the Lord” TV show. Subsequently, Jimmy convicted of fraud when he was caught over-selling $1,000 lifetime memberships that entitled suckers to a three-night stay annually at a luxury hotel at Heritage USA in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


Jimmy’s felony convictions for eight counts of mail fraud, 15 counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy led to him being imprisoned for six years.


After his release from prison, Jimmy decided to get back into the business of flock-fleecing by broadcasting the daily Jim Baker Comedy Show in Branson, Missouri.


Jimmy then branched out to scalping his intellectually infirm followers by offering them overpriced food items under the guise that it was need to protect them from the “end times” and/or some other manmade catastrophe.


In his latest sales pitch (ca. late Nov 2016), Jimmy urges his followers to purchase buckets of his survival food, which includes his “Tasty Pantry Deluxe Food Bucket.” Jimmy goes on to tell his followers they need to make these purchases because it may be virtually impossible to find any food after American cities are degraded by anti-Trump riots. Jimmy then told his low I.Q. followers:

  • “We are in the Last Days.”
  • “If you want to be safe and there’s rioting in your street, what are you going to do?”
  • “Is your mom going to walk down through where they’re burning and killing and all?”

Jimmy then laughingly claimed that God spoke to him and told him riots were coming. Jimmy claims that God told him the following:

  • “We’re having a civil war.”
  • ” This is what God spoke to me before: a civil war between good and evil.”
  •  “These people, I don’t know how they can get by with what they’re doing.”

Jimmy finished off his fabricated claim of speaking to God by saying:

  • “The war is going to get greater.”
  • “Warfare is coming, God spoke that to me this morning, today.”
  • “A civil war between good and evil.”
  • “The Revelation days are here, praise God!”

The only God that Jimmy has ever praised is the one that says “In God we Trust.” How is it remotely possible that a convicted thief and snake oil salesman can actually dupe people into buying the BS he spews forth daily?”


A mailing list of the folks that actually purchase Jimmy’s sham “survival food” would be quite valuable in that it would allow any unscrupulous person to become a millionaire by offering cures for diabetes, cancer or Alzheimer’s for the minimal cost of $19.99.


Congrats Jimmy; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Lunatics”; you are far too humble.

  1. Bullshit Award Winner = 1
  2. Fleece-Flocker Award Winner = 1
  3. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  4. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1
  5. God sending Earthquakes to Counties that voted for Hillary: Art. 16 Lunatic Awards
  6. Purchase my Mexican Survivalist food because “Things are Coming”: Art. 17 Lunatic Awards
  7. Satan utilizes Fire Alarms to silence: Art. 12 Screwball Awards
  8. Americans will soon embark on Cannibalism: Art. 13 Screwball Awards
  9. Spirit of ISIS at fault for America’s extreme weather Bakker: Art. 1 Jimmy Swaggart Award

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