► Magistrate Judge Joseph Sevcik of Cedar Falls, IA; ethical dwarf Print E-mail
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Magistrate Judge Joseph Sevcik of Cedar Falls, IA; ethical dwarf


The state of Iowa presented Joseph Sevcik with a law license in 1996 after he graduated from the University of Iowa Law School.


The Judicial Qualifications Commission found Joey guilty of the following misconduct, all of which took place while he was acting in his capacity as a private attorney.


In one matter, Joey represented a client in a hearing in district court in a domestic relations case. Prior to the hearing, Joey obtained two case files from the Clerk of District Court office for cases in which deferred judgments in criminal cases that had been entered against his client’s opponent.


Those case records were subsequently expunged (sealed) and, therefore, were confidential files available only for use by judicial officers and selected other public officials identified in Iowa Code §907.4(2), not by other attorneys or the general public. During the hearing, Joey used a document from one of the sealed confidential files to impeach a witness (his client’s opponent).


As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Iowa Supreme Court punished Joey by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.


As we speak (ca. November 2016), Joey continues to sit as a First Judicial Magistrate Judge in Cedar Falls, Iowa. In addition, Joey practices law at 120 Hudson Road in Cedar Falls. 


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