► Why are Judicial Misfits immune from criminal prosecution for committing Perjury? |
Why are Judicial Misfits immune from criminal prosecution for committing Perjury?
The simple answer to this question is: Because Judicial Misfits are held to a lower standard of conduct than those of us who have to unfortunately appear before them.
These certified Dumbo’s have the chutzpah to proclaim that their conduct “must be above reproach,” when in many instances it is below that of a “roach” (my apologies to roaches).
The instances wherein Judicial Misfits have been specifically found guilty of falsely testifying to a “material fact” are too numerous to mention herein. FYI: testifying falsely to a “material fact” is basically defined as follows:
In an automobile wrongful death case, a Judicial Misfits denies under oath that he has a mistress. This is defined as being in-material in that it has nothing to do with the innocence or guilty of the Misfit in causing the accidental death of the decedent.
However, if the Judicial Misfits were to falsely testify that he/she wasn’t driving the vehicle at the time of the accident, then this would constitute a “material fact” in regards to his/her liability for damages.
It is indeed a sad commentary on the state of the judiciary when provable perjurers are allowed to remain on the bench and/or are given the proverbial wink and a nod for engaging in felonious criminal conduct.
Of course the sole reason whey these Misfits are given a pass is because they are being judged by members of the Judicial/Legal Industries.
Where is Muammar al-Gaddafi when we need an honest and ethical broker to mete out applicable punishment to Judicial Misfits?