► Ohio Rep. William Batchelder; cheapskate, lifetime porker, ethical gnome Print E-mail
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Ohio Rep. William Batchelder; cheapskate, lifetime porker, ethical gnome

William Batchelder has dedicated the lion’s share of his adult life porking out at the public trough. After the Ohio Supreme Court erred in gifting him with a law license in 1967, he spent 30 years as State Representative and 6 years as a judge. In 2005 he determined that the pork was more appealing at the Statehouse, so he returned.
During his undistinguished time sitting on the 9th District Court of Appeals in Akron, Bill decided to take a vacation at taxpayer expense to Cedar Point (well recognized amusement park) in Sandusky, Ohio while attending the summer appellate judge’s conference.
When he submitted his travel expense claims to the Ohio Supreme Court, Billy Boy had the chutzpah to make the following absurd claims:
  1. Mileage for use of his personal boat to travel on Lake Erie from Cleveland to Sandusky
  2. Nightly lodging costs for sleeping on his boat
When this scam was exposed, Billy was forced to reimburse the State.
Now ya gotta be one big time penny ante crook to try and pull this kind of scam, right? After all, it’s not like Billy was income challenged. His wife Alice was a judge on the 6th Federal circuit Court of Appeals. Bill and Alice’s income at the time was as follows:
  1. $117,000 = Bills Judicial Salary
  2. $159,000 = Alice’s Judicial Salary
  3. $120,000 = Income from rental properties
  4. $396,000 = Total income when Bill billed State for traveling down Lake Erie
This buffoon (my apologies to buffoons) is one big time cheapskate if y’all know what I mean. Bill’s penny ante attempt to unjustly enrich himself would be akin to someone earning $10 an hour billing their employer $0.08 cents for mileage to drive 100 yards.
What an unmitigated loser!



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