► Attorney Richard D. Emery of New York City; enabler for Judicial Misfits Print E-mail
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Attorney Richard D. Emery of New York City - enabler for Judicial Misfits

Unfortunately, New York Senate Minority Leader Malcolm A. Smith made a monumental error in judgment when he appointed Emery to be member of the New York Judicial Commission in 2004.
Attorney Richard Emery is partner in the Emery Celli Brinkerhoff & Abady law firm in New York City. Emery claims in his curriculum vitae that he graduated scum laude from Columbia School of Law.
In 2005, the Judicial Commission voted to remove New York City Judge Laura Blackburne for taking affirmative action to prevent a convicted criminal from being arrested. An article dealing with Judge Blackburn’s egregious misconduct can be found at the URL below.
Is attorney Laura Blackburne of New York City an enabler for criminals and a moron?
Despite the Commission’s ruling that said, “She [Judge Blackburne] placed herself above the law she is sworn to uphold and abused the power of her office, utilizing court personnel and court facilities to accomplish her goal of thwarting a lawful arrest,” Attorney Richard D. Emery dissented from the Commission’s ruling that she be removed from the bench.
In his so-called dissent, Emery stated in part:
  1. The removal of Just ice Laura Blackburne is unfair
  2. The Commission is imposing career capital punishment upon a highly respect jurist
  3. Removal is not normally imposed for conduct amounting to poor judgment
I wonder how much Mr. Emery spent on purchases of Chapstick while he acted as an enabler for Judge Blackburne. Hopefully, she reimbursed him! And if she didn’t, he could always bill some unsuspecting client, right?
Obviously, Mr. Emery missed his calling as a standup comedian!
As was the case with his fellow enabler on the Commission, attorney Stephen R. Coffey of Albany, Emery argued that Blackburne should be punished by be presented with a complimentary censure.
Another loser who is dedicated acting as an apologist for Judicial Misfits!

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