► Attorney Steven Hickox of Denver; wife beater, serial offender Print E-mail
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Attorney Steven Hickox of Denver; wife beater, serial offender


The state of Colorado provided Steven W. Hickox with a law license in 1991.


The Colorado State Bar found Stevie guilty of the following misconduct.


Steven’s 4th bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree


In one matter, Stevie pled guilty to disturbing the peace, assault, and domestic violence. He received a deferred judgment and sentence for one year and was ordered to pay 

restitution. He was also required to attend thirty-six weeks of anger management counseling.


It was rumored that Stevie opted to attend the Mel Gibson Institute for Anger Management located in West Hollywood, California.


Prior to the misconduct aforementioned, Stevie received two complimentary admonitions and one complimentary censure for engaging in a variety of misconduct.


As a consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Colorado Supreme Court punished Stevie by gifting him with a complimentary 9-month suspension of his law license.


As we speak (ca. July 2016), Stevie practices at 2120 South Birch Street in Denver, Colorado. 


CAUTION:  Stevie is not covered by legal malpractice insurance 


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