► Rep. David Brat (VA): Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner |
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Rep. David Brat (VA): Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner
Congratulations to….
Rep. David Brat (VA) Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner Davie succeeded in duping the voters in Virginia into electing him as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives in November 2014.
After PolitiFAct posted a recent anti-Obamacare statements Davie made as being “false,” he told right-wing comedy talk show host Lars Larson that the Affordable Care Act represents a severe threat to the country. (Brian Tashman)
Davieerroneously referred to Obamacare as “a health care system run by government,” that would move America away from a free market system. He then referred to the two Koreas as an example of the dangers of such policies. Davie then went on to say:
For one thing, Brat is a damn liar when he says North Korea doesn’t have any lights, but then again he knew he way lying. His statement that poverty is on the rise due movement away from free markets is hyperbole (Bullshit) on steroids.
Its patently clear that Brat is willing to tell any lie in a never ending effort to appease the low I.Q. folks that actually listen to the garbage he spews forth on a routine basis.
Congrats Davie; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Bullshitters”; you are far too humble |