► Judge Joe Garza of Texas; certified moron, dumb crook Print E-mail
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Judge Joe Garza of Texas; certified moron, dumb crook


Judge Joe Garza is yet another certified loser that somehow was able to finagle his way into being appointed and/or elected as a judge. Garza sits on the Municipal Court in La Joya which is 17 miles east of McAllen and about 77 miles southwest of Brownsville, Texas.
Joey Baby is a repeat offender who has taken several bites out of the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree as you’ll see below.
1st Bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree
Beginning in September 2007, Judge Garza presided over at least two cases involving his relatives, Joshua and Michael Alaniz. A real family values man, right?
When asked to describe what “familial relationship,” if any, he had with the Alaniz brothers, Garza replied, “As a judge, I do not have a relationship with either Joshua or Michael Alaniz.” During his appearance before the Judicial Commission, Garza testified that Joshua and Michael Alaniz were the children of his first cousin, Michael Alaniz, who, as the La Joya City Managers, is also Garza’s immediate supervisor when the judge serves in the capacity of court coordinator.
When the Alaniz brothers appeared in his court on charges of public intoxication, Garza released one without setting a bond, and the other on a PR (personal recognizance) bond. Even though both brothers failed to appear for court mandated hearings, Garza did not issue arrest warrants for them. He later dismissed the charges against them altogether. (The Monitor, 6/17/2010, reporter Jeremy Roebuck)
An unreliable source indicated that while giving special treatment to family members, Judge Garza ordered his court staff to pipe in that old ditty by Sister Sledge “We are Family,” which all present could enjoy listening  to during this “special familial proceeding.” The unreliable source also indicated that Garza led a sing-a-long of a couple of verses that went something like this.
We are family
I got all my cousins with me
We are family
Get up ev’rybody and sing
Ev’ryone can see we’re together
As we walk on by
(FLY!) and we fly just like jailbirds of a feather
I won’t tell a lie (causes boisterous laughter by the Alaniz brothers)
(ALL!) all of the people around us they say
Can they be that close
Just let me state for the record


As punishment the enablers on the Judicial Commission gifted Judge Garza with a complimentary Public Reprimand. Additionally, he was ordered to take twenty (20) hours of instruction with a mentor to better understand the term “familial relationship.”

2nd Bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree
In June 2010, Judge Garza was arrested and charged with felony theft charges. Investigators believe that Garza stole at least $2,200 paid as fines for traffic citations and used the money to pay his personal credit card bills.
An investigation revealed that Garza allegedly ordered several defendants facing traffic citations to pay their fines in cash or through money orders, according to a probable cause affidavit in the case. In at least three cases, deputies traced the money order stubs back to payments made on Garza’s personal credit. (The Monitor, 6/17/2010, reporter Jeremy Roebuck)
Now ya gotta be one big time Dumbo (aka, dumbass) to leave a trail of evidence proving you’re a stupid crook, right? In fact, Judge Garza gives a bad name to “stupid crooks,” if y’all know what I mean.
If convicted, El Stupido could face up to 10 years in prison and $10,000 in fines. What an unmitigated loser!






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