► Family Paid Leave is Socialism on Steroids |
Family Paid Leave is Socialism on Steroids
During the recent (early April 2016) of The Five on the Fox News Comedy Network, resident comedian and congenital liar Eric Bolling decided to go after the passing of Family Paid leave laws by various venues (means localities Jethro).
Subsequently, Eric spewed forth the following BS:
Eric went on to tell his intellectually feeble viewers:
So much for Eric’s intellectual acumen (means intelligence Clyde). Of course Eric doesn’t point to any actual evidence to prove that “restaurant owners have flocked away from Seattle.” And he isn’t able to do so because he’s a damn liar!
And lastly, it should be noted that Eric is merely spinning falsehoods as he is directed to do by his boss Roger “Fat Boy” Ailes.
For additional stories on Eric go to the articles categorized below
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