► Attorney Ira. S. Mayo of Torrington, CT; pervert, repeat offender Print E-mail
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Attorney Ira. S. Mayo of Torrington, CT; pervert, repeat offender

The Connecticut Supreme Court presented Ira. S. Mayo with a law license in 1999.
Attorney Ira Mayo was previously found guilty of offering free legal assistance to women suffering from domestic abuse in exchange for sex. In fact the Statewide Grievance Committee found Ira guilty of making several unwarranted sexual advances on his client, some of which involved physical contact (aka, sexual assault).
Because Attorney Misfits in Connecticut are held to a lower standard of conduct then everyone else, Ira was never criminally charged for sexual assault.
As a consequence of his egregious misconduct, the Grievance Committee punished Ira in 2005  by suspending his law license for two years. The Committee also ordered Ira to do the following:
  1. Ira shall continue to refrain from representing women in domestic relations cases, including criminal matters which arise out of domestic disputes
  2. Continue psychological counseling focusing on dealing with women in client relationships
  3. Avoid conduct considered manipulative or which may take advantage of the vulnerable nature of clients
  4. Ira shall continue to maintain procedures to prevent being along or in confined quarters with women
As any reasonably intelligent person would know, Ira violated the terms of his 2 year suspension when he was again accused of offering free legal advice to clients in return for sex.
Despite this repeated misconduct, Ira was not suspended from practicing law. What a joke!
As we speak (March 2012) Ira practices his brand of law at the Law Offices of Ira. S. Mayo, LLC at 62 Cook Street in Torrington, Connecticut.

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