This isn’t the first Award presented to Mike. In the past, he has been the recipient of forty-nine (49) Awards in various categories and has been the subject of one (1) opinion piece Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.
During a recent (early March 2016) airing his daily comedy radio show “The Savage Nation,” Michael Savage (aka, Michael “The Wean” Weiner” proclaimed his topic for the day was the issue of why “the deviants, the perverts and the intellectual haters of America” despise the GOP’s presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. (Brian Tashman)
Mike claimed to be incensed over an email that criticized The Donald from fellow comedian Louis C.K. Mike then told his low I.Q. listeners that C.K. is:
“a degenerate, psychotic comedian” and “one of the worst, sickest minds.”
Of course is Mike went to the nearest restroom and peered directly into the mirror and then said, “Mirror, mirror on the Wall, who’s the biggest Psycho Comic of them all, the mirror would for sure state, “Why of course its you Mike!)
Mike concluded his comedic skit by saying:
“In my age, in my day, in the 1950s, a guy like Louis C.K. would’ve been put into a straightjacket and kept in a mental hospital in Queens and given Thorazine around the clock for what comes out of his filthy, dirty mouth.”
FYI:Thorazine (Chlorpromazine) is specifically used to treat psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia or manic-depression, and severe behavioral problems in children ages 1 through 12. Since Louis C.K. was born in 1967, he would have been 17-years-old when Mike states he need to be given Thorazine.
However, since Mike was born in 1942, there is no doubt that he would have been a candidate for Thorazine and since he lived in New York City at the time he likely would received free room and board at Bellevue.
Mike’s whining about Louis’ comedy routine and use of profanity is special given his incessant name-calling along with his never ending defamation of those he disagrees with.
Congrats Mike; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Standup Comedians”; you are far too humble.
Bullshit Award Winner = 3
Lunatic Award Winner = 4
MoronAward Winner = 2
Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1
Screwball Award Winner = 2
Will Donald Trump become an American Dictator? – Art. 163 Bigot Awards
Obama acting like Hitler: Bigot Award 164
Gay Folks will cheer as Pastors tossed in Jail: Bigot Awards No. 165
Western Perverts to blame for ISIS: Bigot Award 166
Deport Undocumented Immigrants to Prison in Siberia: Bigot Award 168
Girl Scouts led by Perverted Liberal Vermin: Bigot Award 169
Satanic Obama acting like Charles Manson in seeking Race War: Bigot Award 170
Obama Intends to Burn Down America: Bigot Award 171
Obama Incites the White Man to Revolt: Bigot Award 172
Obama gives me “Post Radio Stress Disorder” – Bullshit Award 250
Pope Francis is a Moron and Dumbest man on Earth: Art. 251 Bullshit Awards
Donald Trump has already made America greater: Art. 252 Bullshit Awards
Obama planning way to Ban Dogs Savage: Art. 253 Bullshit Awards
Obama; Satanic Liberal Hell Bent on Destroying America: Bullshit Award No. 254
Hillary Wages War on White Folk: Bullshit Award: Bullshit Award 255
Toss Homeless People in Jail: Art. 42 Humanitarian Awards
Laquan McDonald video released to detract from Obama foreign policy: Lunatic Award 218
Crucial to find Fascist Obama Guilty of War Crimes: Lunatic Award No. 219
Obama to use Syrian Refugees to overthrow the People: Art. 220 Lunatic Award
Democratic Party AIDS virus is destroying America: Art. 221 Lunatic Awards
Russiabest country left on the Planet Savage:Lunatic Award 222
Bernie Sanders: Another Red Diaper Doper Baby Loon: Art. 224 Lunatic Awards
Pope Francis’ speech to Congress completes Communist Revolution: Art. 225 Lunatic Awards
Obama inciting Race War ala Charles Manson: Lunatic Award 227
Obama prepares for Anti-White Violence & Dictatorship: Lunatic Award 228
Obama commits Medical Genocide via Measles Outbreak: Lunatic Award 230
GOP Controlled Congress Must Arrest Obama – Lunatic Award No. 232
Liberals use LGBT rights to Eliminate Men: Art. 161 Moron Awards
Narcissist Award Winner = 1
End of World if Obama appoints new Justice to Supreme Court: Rodney Dangerfield Award No. 164
Liberal Weasel Bernie Sanders is a Jew who hates America: Rodney Dangerfield Award No. 165
Only Trump can save us from Obama’s Maoist Reeducation Camps: Rodney Dangerfield Art. No. 166
Will Obama pursue Third Term via Election Nullification?-Art. 167 Rodney Dangerfield Award
Pope Francis: False Prophet; Antichrist: Rodney Dangerfield Award 168
Obama the Anti-Semite Jew Hater: Rodney Dangerfield Award No. 169
Nominating gay man as Army Secretary Proof Obama’s a psychopath: Screwball Award No. 209
Jews who support Obama “Want to Die”: Screwball Award No. 210
Will Hillary’s looks undermine her Presidential campaign?: Screwball Award 211
Obama conducting Civil War Against America – Screwball Award No. 212
What is a Compassionate Conservative? – Art. 41 Dawg Opinions