Michael Savage says End of World if Obama appoints new Justice to Supreme Court
During the recent (mid-February 2016) airing of his daily comedy radio show “The Savage Nation,” resident comedian and celebrated lunatic Michael Savage went on a rant against Obama in regards to the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. (Brian Tashman)
Mike told his intellectually deprived listeners:
Scalia’s “suspicious” death was the single worst thing to ever happen to the world because if Obama “gets control of that Supreme Court you may as well pack your bags and move. Where? There’s nowhere to move. It’s the end of the world.”
“You heard me, it’s the end of the world. Not the end of America, the end of the world.”
Mike continued on with his loony rant by saying:
“Nothing worse could’ve happened.”
“We will go right into the toilet bowl” if Justice Ginsburg gains more clout on the court.
The only people that would believe this crap or anything this Certified Lunatic has to say are those folks that possess an I.Q. that is just a tad higher than the legal speed limit in a school zone.
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