► Attorney Joseph Claffy of West Chester, PA; apologist for crooked attorneys Print E-mail
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Attorney Joseph Claffy of West Chester, PA; apologist for crooked attorneys


The state of Pennsylvania presented Joseph Francis Claffy with a law license in 1978 after he graduated from Widener University Law School. 


Joey decided to go bat for Attorney Misfit Robert Teti of West Chester by testifying on his behalf in regards to Teti’s application to have his law license reinstated. Joey’s laughable testimony included the following:


  • He enjoys a reputation in the community as a law-abiding person [except for stealing]
  • He has a reputation for being truthful
  • The community considers him to be an honest person [what community?]

Teti was disbarred for stealing at least $16,000 to pay personal expenses. An article setting forth Teti’s egregious misconduct can be found by viewing the URL posted at the end of this article.


As we speak (ca. February 2016) Joey the Apologist for Crooked Attorneys practices with Joseph F. Claffy & Associates PC at 26 South Church Street in West Chester, Pennsylvania.


Thanks to Joey and his fellow apologists the good folks in t he West Chester area have yet another crooked lawyer on the loose. 


Attorney Robert Teti of West Chester, PA; serial thief




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