► Attorney General Leslie Rutledge (AR): Today’s Public Official Misfit Print E-mail
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Attorney General Leslie Rutledge (AR): Today’s Public Official Misfit


The state of Arkansas presented Leslie Carol Rutledge with a law license in 2001 after she graduated from the University of Arkansas Little Rock Law School.


In one matter,Little Rock attorney Matthew Campbell filed an ethics complaint against Leslie for providing assistance to Mike Huckabee’s presidential campaign in Iowa.


The complaint alleges that Leslie knowingly violated Arkansas Code Ann. 7-1-103 by traveling to Iowa and "devoting time during normal business hours to Huckabee’s campaign on at least two occasions in late January 2015 and once on February 1, 20016.


ArkansasCode Ann. 7-1-103 specifically states:


“It shall be unlawful for any public servant, as defined in 21-8-402, to devote any time or labor during usual office hours toward the campaign of any other candidate for office or for the nomination to any office.”


All that remains now is to see if Leslie is found guilty of violating Arkansas law on providing support for a political candidate on state time. If she is, then she should be made to reimburse the taxpayers for the wages she earned while so acting.


In addition, if Leslie is convicted, then we’ll see if the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Arkansas Committee on Professional take any action against Leslie’s law license.


As we speak (ca. February 2016), Leslie continues to serve as the Attorney General of Arkansas. 


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