► Judge Gary Cassavechia of Dover, NH; incompetent loser |
Judge Gary Cassavechia of Dover, NH; incompetent loser
The State of New Hampshire presented Gary R. Cassavechia with a law license in 1971 after he graduated from Duquesne University Law School.
In one matter, Judge Cassavechia presided over a case wherein the Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester filed a petition asking Gary to order the involuntary admission of a party to a mental facility. After a hearing on the matter, Gary granted the order and the woman was forcibly admitted to a mental hospital.
Subsequently, Gary’s involuntary admission order was appealed to the Court of Appeals, which reversed his asinine ruling. In its reversal, the court said in part:
Of course Gary the Moron doesn’t’ much give a damn how many times he’s reversed on appeal for issuing moronic orders, since it doesn’t cost him anything. The only losers here are the overburdened taxpayers of New Hampshire.
As we speak (ca. January 2016), Gary continues to sit as a Hillsborough County Probate Court judge in Dover, New Hampshire. |