► Attorney Frank Astrella of Joliet, IL; pervert Print E-mail
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Attorney Frank Astrella of Joliet, IL; pervert


The state of state of Illinois presented Frank Anthony Astrella with a law license in 1987 after he graduated from the University of Montana Law School.


Frankie engaged in the following misconduct, all of which took place while he was employed by the Will County Public Defenders Office in Joliet, Illinois.


In one matter, Frankie is facing a federal lawsuit over allegations of sexual harassment. He had previously been ordered to undergo sexual harassment counsel, according to a court filing. (Joseph Hosey)


The order to undergo sexual harassment counseling came about when Assistant Public Defenders Gail Bembnister and Kate Flynn sued Frankie and then sought records from the Summit Center for Mental Health, which specializes in sexual and relationship problems.


The lawsuit claims that Frankie made “sexually derogatory and inappropriate comments in the workplace.”


In addition, Frankie, in the presence of Ms. Bembnister, made sexually suggestive comments about women’s clothing and bodies, and made “lewd and inappropriate comments related to and about sex,” “inquiries into employees’ intimate sexual lives and histories,” and “flirtatious comments to female employees and state’s attorneys.


The enablers for Attorney Misfits at the Attorney Disciplinary Commission have yet to take any action against Frankie.


All the remains now is to see when Frankie does a mea culpa and admits that he’s a Certified Pervert.


As we speak (ca. December 2015), Frankie continues to be employed by the Will County Public Defenders Office in Joliet, Illinois. 


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