► Attorney James Dunham of Russellville, AR; moronic loser Print E-mail
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Attorney James Dunham of Russellville, AR; moronic loser


The state of Arkansas presented James Steven Dunham with a law license in 1989 after he graduated from the University of Arkansas Law School.


Jimmy was a member of a Professional Conduct Panel B that reviewed and then imposed a reprimand against attorney Sharon Zimmerman for allegedly making references to the misconduct of Judge Phillip Shirron of Little Rock based on an article published on my website in 2014 entitled: Judge Phillip Shirron of Little Rock; certified moron, ethical gnome, which can be found at http://tinyurl.com/zpwhgoy.


A cursory review of said article demonstrates beyond all doubt that Judge Shirron is a total moron based on the fact that he presided over a trial while his wife was a member of the jury.


In his findings, Jimmy and his cohorts had the chutzpah to claim that said article which referred to Judge Shirron as a “certified moron, ethical gnome, knucklehead, schmuck, dimwit and big time dumb ass,” somehow constituted misconduct. In hindsight, those highly relevant comments were in truth, complimentary in nature.


Jimmy and his comrades on the panel went on to accuse Ms. Zimmerman of conduct that (a) intended to disrupt a tribunal (Shirron’s court) in that it made reference to the past conduct of Judge Shirron.


Jimmy and his confederates had the temerity to state that Zimmerman’s statement in her recusal motion that Judge Shirron had “engaged in outrageous, unprofessional conduct” was a false statement or made with reckless disregard as to its truth of falsity concerning the integrity of a judge.


How in the world could any reasonably intelligent person assert that Judge Shirron’s conduct in allowing his wife to sit on a jury while he presided over a trial wasn’t outrageous and unprofessional?


Apparently, Jimmy and his fellow buffoons (my apologies to buffoons) would have us believe that they consider it to be “professional” and “acceptable” conduct for a judge to preside over a trial when his wife is a member of the jury.


Moreover, what integrity is this ignoramus talking about in regards to Judge Shirron’s shameful conduct? 

It is exactly this type of conduct by those appointed to investigate attorney misconduct that makes the public hold the entire process in contempt.


And lastly, I’m hopeful that Judge Shirron reimbursed Jimmy for the costs he incurred for purchasing a pair of Industrial Strength Knee Pads for the purpose of genuflecting in his honor in making such an absurd finding against Ms. Zimmerman.


As we speak (December 2015), Jimmy practices with Snellgrove, Langley, Culpepper, Williams & Mullally at 111 East Huntington Avenue in Jonesboro, Arkansas. 


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