► Attorney Anthony Zappin of New York City; bully, loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Anthony Zappin of New York City; bully, loser


The state of New York provided Anthony Jacob Zappin with a law license in 2011 after he graduated from Columbia University Law School.


In one matter, Tony was sanctioned $10,000 by a judge for using his law license to bully and harass other lawyers, a medical expert and several judges. The misconduct took place while Tony was representing himself in a divorce action. (New YorkLaw Journal)


Justice Matthew Cooper of New York County in Manhattan wrote:

  • Zappin did “everything in his power to undermine the legal process and use his law license as a tool to threaten, bully and intimidate, seriously calling into question his fitness to practice law.”

An example of Tony’s bullying behavior towards Justice Deborah Kaplan included the following insults.

  • “I am tired of these lies coming from you on the record.”
  • “It’s lie after lie that comes out of your mouth.”
  • “You’re pathetic!”

Justice Cooper challenged Tony’s refusal to pay half of his wife’s attorney (Harriet Cohen) fees and expenses, and laughingly claimed it would render him “indigent.” Judge Cooper responded to Tony’s lame attempt at levity by saying:

  • The indigent claim was “not even remotely possible” given Tony’s $230,000 annual salary.

As we speak (ca. October 2015), Tony practices in the New York City area.



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