Michael Savage asks: Will Obama pursue Third Term via Election Nullification?
In a recent (late July 2015) rant on The Savage Nation Comedy radio show, resident comedian Michael Savage decided to again toss a little red meat to the bigots that listen to his crap by going after President Obama.
Mike told his low I.Q. listeners that Obama may attempt to get around the 22nd Amendment by telling them:
“We don’t need elections, I’m Barack Obama, we don’t need no elections, I’m Barack Obama, I nullify the election.”
Of course Mike knows his rant is a total falsehood and is made for the sole purpose of financially enriching Mike at the expense of his listeners, most of whom possess an I.Q. just a tad above the legal speed limit in a school zone.
Maybe we could ask Congress to ignore the 1st Amendment and put a permanent muzzle on Mike and those of his ilk.
For additional pieces on Mike go to the articles categorized below.
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Lunatic Award Winner = 3
MoronAward Winner = 2
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Screwball Award Winner = 2
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