► Judge Gregory Adams of Decatur, GA; pompous loser Print E-mail
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Judge Gregory Adams of Decatur, GA; pompous loser


The state of Georgia presented Gregory A. Adams with a law license in 1974 after he graduated from the University of Georgia Law School.


Greg holds the pompous view that he has the absolute right to file an amicus brief in cases before the appellate and /or Georgia Surpeme Court. An amicus brief is defined as a friend of the court brief that is filed by a person with a strong interest in or views on the subject matter being appealed, but is not a party to the action.


To suggest that a sitting trial court judge should be free to file an amicus brief in support of or against a particular issue is of course absurd. If allowed to so act, then a party appearing in Judge Wynne’s court would have an absolute right to demand that he remove himself from a case due to his stated bias which would be supported by his arguments in his brief.


When the Georgia Judicial Qualifications Commission ruled that sitting judges were prohibited from filing any amicus briefs because it violated the Code of Judicial Conduct, Pompous Greg appealed to the Georgia Supreme Court arguing that the Commission had no authority to tell him how to act.


As we speak (ca. July 2015), the Surpeme Court of Georgia has not yet ruled on Greg’s specious demand that it overrule the Judicial Commission and allow him to continue to file amicus briefs in any and all courts in Georgia.


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