► Attorney Luther Dye of Queens, NY; pervert, bigot, ethical gnome |
Attorney Luther Dye of Queens, NY; certified pervert, bigot, ethical gnome From 1994 through 2003, Luther Dye was a sitting justice on the New York State Supreme Court in Queens, New York.
During this time, then Judge Luther Dye took visited the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree on two occasions. The egregious misconduct involving Judge Luther Dye is set forth below.
1st Bite at the Judge Misfit Apple Tree
In December 1997, Judge Luther Dye was found guilty of engaging in the sexual harassment of his judicial secretary, Ms. Karen Moore from the time he first ascended to the bench in 1994 through June 1996. The perverted conduct engaged in by Judge Dye in speaking to Ms. Moore is set forth below.
For engaging in this perverted behavior, the enablers on the Judicial Commission gifted Judge Luther Dye with a complimentary censure.
2nd Bite at the Judge Misfit Apple Tree
In March 2003, Judge Luther Dye was found guilty of the following egregious misconduct.
Bias v. Catholics
In Aug. 2002, the natural guardian of Catherine Capanelli appeared in Dye’s court asking that $6,000 be withdrawn from a fund to pay for school expenses for the minor girl to attend Christ the King Regional High School.
Judge Dye summarily denied the request and in so acting made derogatory/biased statements about the Catholic Church in regards to publicized allegations of misconduct by priests. He went on to state he would not send his children to a Catholic parochial school, although, in fact he had done so in the past.
Judge Dye had the chutzpah to defend his conduct by claiming he wasn’t biased. Sure you weren’t’, just like David Duke wasn’t and isn’t biased against African Americans.
Anti-Semitic Comments
In August 2002, Judge Dye became embroiled in a ongoing dispute with attorney Steven Samuel. As a result of Judge Dye’s conduct, it became apparent to him that Mr. Samuel might file an ethics complaint against him. Dye then told Mr. Samuel that any complaint he filed with the Commission was “as worthless as a bucket of spit.”
As Mr. Samuel was leaving the courtroom, Judge asked him if he was Jewish, wherein he responded “Why did the court ask me that question?” Judge Dye then made the following statement on the record:
“I was born and bred in North Carolina. I saw no Jewish people, none. I saw no West Indians. I didn’t know what a West Indian was until I came to New York. The only Chinese people I saw were in the laundry. I new saw a Jewish person. I never saw a temple. I never saw a synagogue. Didn’t know what it was. I thought everybody went to church. I thought everybody was Christian. That’s why I asked. Does that answer your question?”
An unreliable source indicated that Judge Dye is totally a die-(pun intended) in-the-wool bigot since he never misses a chance to rip off a few fortune cookies when dining at a Chinese restaurant in Queens.
The enablers at the Judicial Commission gifted Judge Dye with yet another complimentary censure. The sole member demanding that Judge Dye be removed was Mary Holt Moore.
For the Commission to allow this loser to retain his law license is further proof that Judicial Misfits are held to a much lower standard of conduct then you and me.