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Tim Wildmon: Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner

Congratulations to….


Tim Wildmon

Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner


During a recent (04/20/15) appearance on the comedy show “Wallbuilders Live,” comedian Tim Wildmon of the Un-American Family Association decided to speak about his so-called “bigotry map” which he released in response to the Southern Poverty Law Center's decision to designate his organization as an anti-gay hate group several years ago. (Kyle Mantyla)


Timmy’s map is a lame attempt to brand his organization’s critics as “bigoted anti-Christian zealots” who attack him and his organization because they “represent God’s message of a moral standard having to do with sexuality” in America.Timmy then said:


  • “One of the things that the secular humanists, secular progressives like Obama and others want to push is sexual anarchy.”
  • “They really want to force GLBT, homosexual politics on America because they hate the Christian moral standard having to do with sex because it judges some things as moral and immoral and they can't stand that.”
  • “They can’t stand God telling them how to behave.”
  • “And we, as Christians in this country, represent God's message of a moral standard having to do with sexuality and God's word teaches that homosexuality is a sin and they can't tolerate that. So they go after us as the messenger.”


The truth of the matter is that Timmy and those of his ilk are nothing more than degenerate homophobes who give religion a bad name. Timmy’s main purpose in life is drumming up contributions from the low I.Q. folks that listen to his crap so that he can continue to live large off of said contributions.


One must seriously wonder why Timmy exerts so much energy in spewing forth hateful comments about members of the gay community. Maybe we need to ask Timmy the following question:


“What’s in your closet, Timmy?”


Congrats Timmy; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Bullshitters”; you are far too humble. 


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