► US Judge Cindy Jorgenson of Tucson; incompetent boob Print E-mail

US Judge Cindy Jorgenson of Tucson; incompetent boob 


The state of Arizona presented Cindy K. Jorgenson with a law license in 1977 after she graduated from the University of Arizona Law School.


Former President George W. Bush was duped into appointing Jorgenson as a District Court Judge in 2001 even though she wasn’t the most qualified attorney in the Tucson area. Jorgenson received her appointment because he had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


In one matter, Judge Jorgenson was assigned to hear a case involving Pedro Imperial Vega who had been convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, child molestation, and three counts of sexual abuse of his stepdaughter, based on events that occurred between 1996 and 1999.


Arizonastate courts rejected Vega’s appeal based on ineffective assistance of counsel. This led to Vega filing a writ of federal habeas that ended up before Jorgenson. After an evidentiary hearing, Jorgenson denied the writ.


The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed Jorgenson’s denial of the writ and stated in a finding of ineffective assistant of counsel wherein a petitioner alleges he was falsely accused of abusing his step-daughter, we recently explained:

  • “No competent lawyer would have declined to interview such a potentially favorable witness when that witness had been clearly identified, the witness was easily accessible and willing to provide information, and trial counsel faced a dearth of defense witnesses.”
  • “An attorney's failure to prepare for and challenge the testimony of a critical witness may be so unreasonable as to violate both prongs of the Strickland test.”
  • “Counsel’s failure to familiarize himself with his client's file—despite this case's tortured history—led to a failure to present a key witness to the jury.”
  • “A reasonable lawyer would not have made such an inexplicable decision.”
  • “Accordingly, defense counsel’s performance was deficient.” [Dufus]

The court then sent the case back to Jorgenson, meaning that the taxpayers have again been hosed by the incompetent conduct of a judge that cannot properly interpret and/or apply the law that he took an oath to uphold.


Lastly, it certainly appears that Jorgenson was intellectually incapable of appreciating and/or understanding that Vega’s attorney was a Certified Moron due to the fact that she


As we speak (cs. April 2015), Jorgenson continues to sit as a US District Court Judge in Tucson, Arizona.    


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