► Judge George Moorhouse of Teeside, UK; misogynist Print E-mail
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Judge George Moorhouse of Teeside, UK; misogynist


The state of Kentucky presented Brenda K. Sanders with a law license in 1985 after she graduated from the University of Detroit Law School.


In September 2014, the Michigan Supreme Court suspended Judge Sanders for judicial misconduct and contempt


In an effort to forever cement his status as one of England’s Premier Misogynists, George


In a case involving Michael Brown, George went out of his way to cement his status as one of England’s Premier Misogynists.


Mr. Brown was criminally charged with assaulting the mother of his two children by grabbing her by the hair and punching and kicking her at her home. When her friends attempted to intervene, Brown went after them too.


At the trial, Mr. Brown admitted to three charges of assault. George the Misogynist then sentenced him a suspended three-month sentence. He was also ordered to attend a domestic violence program. It is rumored that Brown opted to attend the Mel Gibson Institute for Wife Beaters located in West Hollywood.


It boggles the mind that a misogynistic loser like George is allowed to sit in judgment of anyone. At best, he’s qualified to act as a greeter at the Wal Mart store at 151 East Ferry Road in London.



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