► Former Magistrate Jennifer Betts of New South Wales; ethical troll Print E-mail
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Former Magistrate Jennifer Betts of New South Wales; ethical troll


The Law Society of New South Wales provided Dianne J. Ballamwith a law license in 1982 after he graduated from Queen’s University School of Law in Belfast, Ireland.


The Conduct Division of the Judicial Commission of New South Wales (NSW) found Jenney guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Failed to understand the basic concepts of judicial behavior
  • Prejudged one or more matters presented to her for adjudication
  • Prejudged nature of evidence and submissions prior to conducting a hearing on the matter
  • Used intemperate language to a defendant while questioning her
  • Engaged in rude, offensive, and bullying behavior while a defendant was testifying
  • Denied the defendant’s solicitor [attorney] an adequate opportunity to make submissions to the court (aka, due process)
  • Failed to conduct a hearing fairly
  • Acted discourteous to a defendant in relation to the provision of authorities

As a direct consequence of her misconduct, the Conduct Division ordered that Dianne be removed from her judicial position.


As we speak (ca. April 2023), Dianne practices her so-called brand of law at 189 Kent Street West in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada.


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