► Former Magistrate Dominique Burns of New South Wales; ethical troll Print E-mail
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Former Magistrate Dominique Burns of New South Wales; ethical troll


The Law Society of New South Wales provided Dominique Burnswith a law license in 1982 after he graduated from Queen’s University School of Law in Belfast, Ireland.


The Conduct Division of the Judicial Commission of New South Wales (NSW) found Dominique guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Remanded persons to custody on her own motion when she had no lawful power to so act
  • Dominique ought to influence police prosecutors to file additional charges against accused persons appearing before her
  • Denied defendants their appeal rights regarding bail
  • Despite Dominique’s claims, that was no evidence that her workload and work hours were unreasonable
  • Failed to accord procedure fairness to persons appearing before her (aka, due process)
  • Imposed sentences that exceeded the maximum penalty for the relevant offenses

Apparently, Dominique is under the impression that “due process” is the mean by which the grass becomes moist in the a.m.


As one would suspect, Dominique did what any loser coward would do, she resigned from the bench before the New South Wales parliament ordered her removal.


As we speak (ca. February 2023), it is rumored that Dominique has an application pending for a job as a bathroom monitor at the Walmart Store at 116 King Street in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.


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