► Tribunal Judge Jonathan Leach of United Kingdom; scofflaw Print E-mail
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Tribunal Judge Jonathan Leach of United Kingdom; scofflaw


The Senior President of Tribunals, on behalf of the Lord Chief Justice and with the Lord Chancellor’s agreement found Johnny guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Conduct fell below standard expected of a judicial officer
  • Johnny received five penalty points and a fine for a speeding offence
  • The above penalty points took Johnny’s total points on his license to eight (8)

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice, both apologists for Attorney Misfits, punished Johnny by gifting him with a so-called formal advice.


And lastly, as one would suspect, Johnny fails to mention the misconduct set forth above on his self-serving website at www.wrpersonalinjury.co.uk. Apparently, he decided to conceal this highly relevant information from prospective clients for the purpose of not limiting his future victim pool.


As we speak (ca. February 2022), Johnny practices his so-called brand of jurisprudence as Judge of the Social Entitlement Chamber in Lancashire, United Kingdom.


FYI:  Johnny also practices his version of the law with WR Personal Injury Claims at 25-29 Victoria Street, Blackburn, Lancashire, United Kingdom.



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