► Judge Kothandram Bhakthavatsala of India; Certified Misogynist Print E-mail
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Judge Kothandram Bhakthavatsala of India; Certified Misogynist


The Law Society of India presented Kothandram Naidu Bhakthavatsala with a law license in 1983 after he graduated from SJR College of Law in Bangalore.


In one matter, Kothandram found it acceptable to demean women in open court. In an overt attempt to cement his status as one of India’s Premier Judicial Misogynists, Kothandram made the following remarks in open court to a man accused of beating his wife.

  • “It is okay for a man to indulge in domestic violence and beat his wife as long as he was taking good care of his wife.”

Kothandram also made the following statements in open court.

  • While hearing a matrimonial dispute, he told a woman lawyer “she was unfit to argue the matter as she was unmarried.”
  • While advising a techie couple who reconciled for the sake of their child, he asked the wife “why she was talking about being beaten by her husband, when he could take good care of her as he was doing well in his business.”

Of course, Kothandram the Woman Hater denied he ever made such a comment. However, despite his laughable denials, his superiors ordered that he be barred from presiding over divorce and/or domestic relation cases.


As we speak (ca. November 2016), Kothandram continues to sit as a Karnataka Hight Court Judge in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. 


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