► Justice Paulette Garnett of New Brunswick, CAN; ethical leprechaun Print E-mail
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Justice Paulette Garnett of New Brunswick, CAN; ethical leprechaun


The Law Society presented Paulette C. Garnett with a law license in 1993 after he graduated from Hamline University Law School.


The Canadian Judicial Council has found Paulette guilty of the following misconduct.


Unfortunately, the appointing authority in New Brunswick was duped into appointing Paulette as a Justice on the Court of Queens Bench in 1998 despite the fact that she wasn’t the most qualified person for the job.


In numerous cases assigned to her, Paulette routinely kept parties waiting months, sometimes years before she issued a ruling. In fact, as soon as she was appointed in 1998 she began violating judicial council guidelines, which required for delivering judgments within six months of the conclusion of a hearing. Examples of her violations are as follows:

  • 1998: Claimant for back rent waited 13 months for a decision
  • 2005: Case involving Elm City Chrysler dealer and bank to resolve questionable transactions, decision delivered 25 months after 1 day hearing
  • 2011: Case involving University of New Brunswick women’s hockey players challenging cancellation of varsity team, took 2 years to issue ruling
  • 2012: Decision approving union of Fredericton’s Jones Masonry took 15 months to decide after hearing held
  • 2013: Dispute over NB Liquor agency store took 7 months before ruling

Justice Garnett is an embarrassment to all lazy justices and judges in North America that cheerfully lay down on the job while receiving taxpayer checks they were not entitled too.


As a consequence of her misconduct, the Patron Saints for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Council punished Shiftless Paulette by gifting her with a polite tongue lashing. 


As we speak (ca. August 2015), Justice Garnettcontinues to sit on the Superior Court in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. 


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