► Judge Steven Ridge of Provo, UT; bullying loser Print E-mail
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Judge Steven Ridge of Provo, UT; bullying loser


FYI: Stevie has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past thirty- six (36) years. If it weren’t for a governme nt check, Stevie may well have been relegated to working as a greeter at the Wal Mart located on North University Parkway in Provo.


The Utah Judicial Conduct Commission found Judge Ridge guilty of the following misconduct.


Stevie found it funny to impose draconian fines and/or jail sentences on defendants for minor traffic violations when they let it be known they intended on appealing his rulings as to guilt.


Given the conduct of Judge Ridge, the taxpayers in Utah were forced to expend untold sums in order to litigate appeals of his absurd rulings. Of course Stevie didn’t give a damn about the cost of the appeals since it didn’t come out of his pocket.


As we speak (ca. February 2015), Stevie continues to sit as a Utah County Justice Court Judge in Provo, Utah.  


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