► U.S. Judge Howard Nielson Jr. of Salt Lake City; bigoted loon Print E-mail
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► U.S. Judge Howard Nielson Jr. of Salt Lake City; bigoted loon


The state of Utah provided Howard Curtis Nielson Jr. with a law license in 1997 after he graduated from the University of Chicago School of Law.


President Donald “Trumporleone” Trump was instructed to nominate Howie for a seat on the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah even though he had no prior judicial experience and wasn’t the most qualified attorney/jurist in the greater Salt Lake City area. He got it because he had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


While practicing his brand of law, Howie argued that sexual orientation is a choice in his 2010 legal defense of Proposition 8, California’s former ban on same-sex marriage. He also disputed evidence that discrimination against LGBTQ people leads to higher rates of depression and suicide. When a U.S. district court ruled that Prop 8 violated the Constitution, Nielson argued the judge should have recused himself because he was gay and therefore unable to be fair. (Jennifer Bendery)


Despite his stated bigotry against members of the Gay community, every Senate Republican but one, Susan Collins, voted to confirm him. Since Howie is 51-years old (DOB: 1968) he could well be on the bench as an unqualified and bigoted lunatic for forty or more years.


And lastly, it should be noted that Howie’s nomination came about due to Judge Brian Stewart assuming “senior status” in September 2014. Senior status means that Howie is only required to work 10-hours-a-week while continuing to collect a full salary of $210,900.00.


Also, it should be noted that Alice was appointed by George H.W. Bush in 1991 at 47-years of age. Therefore, she waited to take on senior status in March 2019 in order that her replacement would be appointed by another Republican president, meaning she was and has always been a reliable Republican lackey.


The sole reason for Howie’s appointment was because Sen. Mitch “Moscow Mitch” McConnell refused to allow a vote on Obama’s nomination to fill Stewart’s seat.


As we speak (ca. September 2019), Howie the Bigot continues to sit as a U.S. District Court Judge for the District of Utah in Salt Lake City.



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