► Ex. Judge Ray M. Harding, Jr. of Salt Lake City; convict, cokehead, wife beater Print E-mail
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Ex. Judge Ray M. Harding, Jr. of Salt Lake City; convict, cokehead, wife beater

The Supreme Court of Utah presented Ray Harding, Jr. with a law license in 1978 after he graduated from Brigham Young University Law School.
After an unsuccessful career practicing law, Ray was appointed as a District Court Judge in Salt Lake City in 1995.
In the mid-2000s, Ray was found guilty of the following misconduct:
On July 13, 2002, police were called to Ray’s home on a domestic disturbance call. While there, the cops found one-third of a gram of cocaine hidden in the home studio, as well as “snort tubes”, heroin and other drug paraphernalia, including pieces of tinfoil with burned residue, baking soda and a burned metal spoon. Ray was arrested and later tested positive for cocaine, opiates and Valium.
High on the Bench
After Ray’s arrest, news media reports alleged that he had presided over court proceedings while under the influence of illegal drugs. Ray regularly presided over drug cases in his court.
Ray later pleaded guilty to lesser misdemeanor charges as part of a plea agreement. In return he had to resign from the bench; however, he was allowed to receive his state paid pension. Crime pays and it pays really good in Utah just like it does in New York!
In states like North Carolina, being a convict and forced to resign would have resulted in Ray being prohibited by law from receiving any pension.
Ray’s Continuing Criminal Conduct
In April 2004, Ray was criminally charged with poaching a trophy moose and two cow elk. Prosecutors charged that he illegally shot the animals in Oct. 2001. Ray’s ex-wife, Anne, testified that she was with him when the moose was shot. When they realized it was a moose, Ray ordered her not to tell the others in the hunting party of seven.
How in the hell does one mistakenly shoot a moose? I guess in Ray’s case it’s understandable since he was likely a little high at the time. Seems as though Ray might want to think about the vendors he deals with when purchasing recreational drugs in the future. Take my advice Ray; refrain from doing business with street dealers who accept double-off coupons!
Ray’s wife rats him out
Anne told police that she’d seen Ray smoking crack on a prior occasion and that he previously told her he had been using crack and heroin since October 2001. Anne said she spilled the beans on Ray only after being contacted by the Attorney General’s Office in May 2001, because she wanted Ray to get help for his drug problem. 
According to Anne, the AG’s office told her they wanted Ray off the bench and needed incriminating evidence of wrongdoing, in addition to his drug use. 
Isn’t that wonderful news? Using illegal substances like heroin and cocaine are not sufficient cause in Utah to get rid of a judge! I guess the last and final straw in Utah for removing a judge is shooting a Moose, which appears to be considered a more serious crime than a judge snorting coke or beating the crap out of his wife.
As a consequence of his criminal conduct, the Utah Supreme Court removed Ray from the bench and stripped him of his law license.

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