► Judge Amy Mastin of Las Vegas; incompetent loser Print E-mail
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Judge Amy Mastin of Las Vegas; incompetent loser


The state of Nevada presented Amy Mastin with a law license in 1996 after she graduated from Nova Southeastern University School of Law.


Amy’s misconduct involved a matter involving Ms. Phoukeo Dej-Oudom who requested that Amy, then acting as a Court Commissioner grant her a restraining order against her then husband Jason.


Ms. Dej-Oudom made the following statements in her petition seeking a restraining order.

  • “Throughout the marriage, the children’s lives as well as mine have been threatened.” the 35-year-old woman wrote.
  • “Guns have been pulled out and pointed to our heads multiple times.”

Additionally, Ms. Dej-Oudom’s application also described recent threatening phone calls and text messages, and Jason’s storming into her place of work and vows to abscond with their three children.


In her infinite ignorance, Amy denied Ms. Dej-Oudom’s request for a restringing order by ignorantly claiming that because the threats took place outside of Nevada, these undisputed facts were irrelevant.


Three weeks after Amy denied the application, police found Dej-Oudom’s dead body near a pharmacy parking lot with a gunshot wound to the head. Several hours later, police entered an apartment where they found the bodies of their three children, age 9, 14, and 15, along with that of Jason Dej-Oudom, the shooter.


Thanks to Amy, the mother and her three children were all murdered at the hands of a father that she refused to take action that likely would have led to him being unable to engage in the mass execution of his family.


As we speak (ca. October 20223), Amy continues to practice her so-called brand of jurisprudence as a 8th Judicial District Clark County Family Court Judge in Las Vegas, Nevada.


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