► Judge Richard Scotti of Las Vegas, NV; moronic bully Print E-mail
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Judge Richard Scotti of Las Vegas, NV; moronic bully


The state of Washington presented Alex S. Chun with a law license in 1988 after he graduated from the University of California Hastings School of Law.


The Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline found Dick guilty of engaging in the following misconduct. The misconduct in question involved the following facts.

  • While questioning a prospective juror in a case involving allegations of multiple sex offenses against children and other related charges, Dick became angered at the juror who worked as a nurse
  • The nurse told Dick she did not feel she could be impartial because her work as a nurse exposed her to child abuse
  • Dick became angered, they a book against the wall, cursed, berated, yelled at and threatened the juror for what he construed was a contrived excuse to avoid jury service
  • Subsequently, the jury convicted the defendant, Jose Azucena of twelve counts of lewdness with a child under 14, seven counts of child abuse and neglect, five counts of indecent expose, four counts of attempted lewdness with a child under 14, one count each of first-degree kidnapping and sexual assault of a minor under 14 years of age

The misconduct involving violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct are as follows.

  • Failed to act in manner promoting public confidence in the judiciary
  • Failed to perform his judicial duties competently (moron)
  • Failed to be patient, dignified and courteous, and act and speak with decorum and maintain a proper judicial demeanor
  • Abused his judicial authority

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Dick by the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Nevada Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. September 2020), Dick continues to sit as a Clark County Eighth Judicial District Court Judge in Las Vegas, Nevada.


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