► Judge Adam Watters of Tucson, AZ; potty mouth, repeater Print E-mail
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Judge Adam Watters of Tucson, AZ; potty mouth, repeater


The state of Arizona presented Adam W. Watters with a law license in 1997 after he graduated from Arizona State University Law School.


FYI: This isn’t Adam’s First bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree. He previously received a complimentary reprimand for engaging in a variety of misconduct. The fact regarding said reprimand can be found by visiting the URL at the end of this article.

  • Bobby presided over an eviction case involving Qin and Bobby accused the landlord of harassing him
  • Bobby allegedly confronted Qin and fired a gun at him as Qin was driving by Bobby’s home in Pima County
  • The bullet that Bobby fired did not strike Qin
  • Bobby told alleged stalker: I’m going to blow your fucking head right off.”

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Mikey by the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Arizona Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. August 2022), Adam continues to dispense his so-called idea of jurisprudence as a Justice of the Peace in Tucson, Arizona.


Judge Adam Watters of Tucson; lying loser




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