► Judge Patrick Miller of Decatur, IN; ethical ogre Print E-mail
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Judge Patrick Miller of Decatur, IN; ethical ogre


The state of Indiana provided Patrick R. Miller with a law license in 1998 after he graduated from the University of Indiana School of Law.


The Indiana Commission on Judicial Qualifications has charged Patty with engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Abused his authority when he acted on Sickafoose’s behalf on a private legal claim
  • Gave the appearance to the Adams County Attorney that he would pursue additional civil or criminal contempt charges against the Adams County Auditor, the Adams County Board of Commissioners, or the Adams County Council if county officials did not accept Respondent’s settlement offer that the county pay Sickafoose a $20,000 settlement on her private legal claim.
  • Abused prestige of his judicial office to advance personal or economic interests of Sickafoose
  • Failed to avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety
  • Failed to act in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity, independence, and impartiality of the judiciary
  • Failed to respect and comply with the law
  • Improperly interjected himself into a legal dispute between Kelly Sickafoose and Adams County officials by providing legal advice and offering legal strategies to Kelly Sickafoose and her attorney on a private legal claim.
  • Engaged in the illegal practice of law that is prohibited conduct by a sitting judge
  • Attempted influence Special Judge Thomas Hakes by sending him a letter on Adams Superior Court letterhead regarding Matter of Beery, case no. 01D01-1706-MI-0029, after Patty had disqualified himself from the matter

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Patty by the apologists for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Indiana Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. April 2020), Patty continues to sit as a Adams County Superior Court Judge in Decatur, Indiana.



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