► Judge Gary Wilcox of Newark, NJ; misogynistic pervert Print E-mail
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Judge Gary Wilcox of Newark, NJ; misogynistic pervert


The state of New Jersey presented Gary Naorman Wilcox with a law license in 1989 after he graduated from Harvard University School of Law.


The New Jersey Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct found Louie guilty of engaging in the following misconduct, all of which took place while he was sitting as Bergen Vicinage Superior Court Judge in the Criminal Division.

  • Gary, using the alias "Sal Tortorella," created an account on TikTok, a social media application that allows users to create short videos set to music or other audio and share those videos on the platform, on which Gary posted 40 videos between April 11, 2021 and March 4, 2023
  • In 11 of the videos Gary posted to TikTok, either the content - e.g., included references to violence, sex, and misogyny - location - i.e., in chambers, in the courthouse, and in a bed - or Respondent's physical appearance - e.g., wearing his judicial robes and/or partially dressed while lying in bed
  • Gary recorded several TikTok videos in his chambers, including songs which contained profanity, graphic sexual references to female and male body parts, and/or racist terms

Examples of Gary’s outrageous and sexually explicit TikTok postings are as follows.


In one such videorecorded in chambers, Gary, wore a T-shirt with his face close to the camera, lip-syncing the following lyrics from Jump by Rihanna:

  • "If you want it let's do it. Ride it, my pony.”
  • “My saddle is waitin', come and jump on it.”
  • ‘If you want it, let's do it."

In a second video,Gary, while in chambers with law books visible behind him and wearing a suit and tie, lip-syncs the following:

  • "All my life, I've been waiting for somebody to whoop my ass. I mean business!”
  • “You think you can run up on me and whip my monkey ass? Come on. Come on!"

In a third video, Gary, while in his chambers wearing a suit and holding cash, pretends to light a match while lip-syncing the following lyrics from Sure Thing by Miguel:

  • “If you be the cash, I'll be the rubber band.”
  • “You be the match, I will be a fuse, boom.”
  • “Painter, baby, you could be the muse. I'm the reporter, baby, you could be the news. 'Cause you're the cigarette, and I'm the smoker.”
  • “We raise a bet, 'cause you're the joker.”

In a fourth video, while seated in a car, Gary, wearing a "Freedom of Speech" T-shirt, lip-syncs the following:

  • "Go ahead baby. You hittin' them corners too god damn fast.”
  • “You gotta slow this mothafucker a down. You understand?”
  • “I almost spilled my [Cognac] on this 200-dollar suit." 

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Gary by the apologists for Judicial Misfits sitting on the New Jersey Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. December 2023), Gary continues to dispense his so-called idea of jurisprudence and as a Vicinage 2 Superior Court judge in Newark, New Jersey.


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