► Judge William Shaffer of Butler, PA; lying loser Print E-mail
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Judge William Shaffer of Butler, PA; lying loser


The state of Pennsylvania presented William R. Shaffer with a law license in 1979 after he graduated from Hofstra University Law School.


The Pennsylvania Court of Judicial Discipline found Billy guilty of the following misconduct.


Billy failed to dispose of nine (9) cases for periods of up to almost three years.


Furthermore, Billy found it acceptable to file four (4) inaccurate [false] semi-annual reports with the Administrative Office of the Court wherein he failed to list the nine cases. Billy did so despite the fact that he was required to list any cases that remained undecided for ninety (90) days or more.


In short, Billy knowingly and intentionally lied on the four (4) reports so as to conceal his gross negligence in failing to issue prompt rulings on cases ripe for decisions. Also, it should be noted that the litigants were the true victims of Billy’s lazy attitude in that they had to wait three or more years for a decision.


As a consequence of his misconduct, the patron saints for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Court of Judicial Discipline punished Billy by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand. 


As we speak (ca. March 2014), Billy remains sitting as a Butler County Judge in Butler, Pennsylvania.



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