► Judge Gerald Kinney of Joliet, IL; Apologist for Judicial Perverts Print E-mail
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Judge Gerald Kinney of Joliet, IL; Apologist for Judicial Perverts

The State of Illinois presented Gerald Richard Kinney with a law license in 1975 after he graduated from Loyola University Law School in Chicago.
Judge Kinney is the presiding judge for Will County, Illinois.
During an investigation by the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board into the egregious misconduct of Judge Joseph Polito of Will County for his use of a court computer to surf for porn, Judge Kinney proved that he was a die-in-the-wool cheerleader for the Judicial Misfits.
The Board demanded court records from Judge Kinney documenting Judge Kinney’s use of courthouse computers to surf for porn.
Judge Kinney insisted for months that the documents were judicial records that the public had no right to see. He finally released them after the Illinois Attorney General’s office wrote in a legal opinion that the list of porn websites was “unrelated to any judicial function [and] is not a judicial record.” (Chicago Tribune)How in the hell can anyone argue that records of the porn sites that Judge Polito visited were “judicial records” and the public that paid for the computer and Internet services had no right to see them.
For addition information about Judge Joseph Polito’s misconduct, go to the URL listed at the end of this article.
This moronic buffoon (my apologies to buffoons) should have been tossed off the bench for putting forth such a hyperbolic (BS) defense on behalf of Polito the Perv.
As we speak (ca. April 2013, Judge Kinney continues to sit as the presiding judge in Will County.
Judge Joseph Polito of Joliet, IL; Lifelong Pervert

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