► Judge Richard Price of Bronx, NY; certified moron, lifetime porker Print E-mail
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Judge Richard Price of Bronx, NY; certified moron, lifetime porker


The state of Pennsylvania presented Richard Lee Price with a law license in 1965 after he graduated from New York University (NYU) Law School.


Since graduating from law school, Dick has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for forty-five years (1969 to 2014). Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater New York City area was about to offer Dick a good paying job.


Dick has proven to be one of New York’s most incompetent judges since to the bench in 1980. Appellate court records prove that Dick has been reversed more times for moronic rulings in suppressing evidence in criminal cases than any other judge.


Of course Dick doesn’t give a damn how many times he makes improper decisions because a judge can’t be disciplined or removed for being a Certified Moron. However, the taxpayers are the ones that get stuck paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in appellate and defense attorney costs to correct Dick’s screwy rulings.


As we speak (ca. March 2014), Dick remains sitting as a Bronx County Supreme Court Justice.



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