► Former Judge Jeremy Persons of Guilford, NY; pervert, scofflaw Print E-mail
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Former Judge Jeremy Persons of Guilford, NY; pervert, scofflaw


The New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct found Jeremy guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Made inappropriate sexual comments in court and in chambers
  • Made sexually charged comments to and about attorneys appearing in his court
  • Told two attorneys that he had a three-way relationship with his ex-wife and another woman
  • When referring to his ex-wife, Jeremy commented, “She likes the hole better than the pole”
  • Told an Assistant Public Defender that he would “like to watch her golf,” and when she said she was not good at golf, replied “that’s not why I want to watch you”
  • Failed to respond and appear on traffic tickets resulting in two suspensions of his driver’s license
  • Davey failed to renew his car insurance which also resulted in the suspension of his driver’s license
  • Carried his handgun in a hip-holster which was easily visible when he was not wearing his judicial robe, notwithstanding that his pistol permit required the pistol to be concealed
  • On one occasion Davey placed his handgun on the bench when a public defender was appearing before him
  • Failed to file required monthly reports with the State Comptroller in a timely manner, which resulted in his salary being stopped
  • Failed to cooperate with a subsequent Office of Court Administration audit of his court records, which resulted in an order that all his pending cases be assigned to another judge and no new cases be assigned to him
  • Behaved in an undignified manner by making inappropriate comments to and about attorneys
  • appearing before him
  • Engaged in a pattern of failing to comply with the law (serial scofflaw)
  • Invoked his judicial office in connection with a personal matter
  • Failed to cooperate with ethics investigators  and the Town of Guilford in the investigation of his judicial conduct (Screw you, said Davey!)

Additionally, Davey displayed the following bumper stickers on his car which he typically parked near the non-public entrance to the court, where it was visible to police officers and/or defendants in custody:


A bumper sticker that read, “Boobies Make Me Smile.”

A graphic of “Judge Dredd,” referring to the fictional character known as “judge, jury and executioner.”


As we speak (ca. June 2023), it is rumored that Davey has an application pending for a job as a bathroom attendant at Madame Oar’s  Adult Entertainment Club at 584 Court Street in Binghamton, New York.


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